Introduction to Wire Work with Mary Kernahan, Tuesday July 2, 6-9 p.m.

WIR 0702
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Making wire jewelry can be one of the simplest and most fun pasttimes you can undertake, and using just a few basic tools and techniques, even beginners can create stunning work. If the thoughts of tackling it on your own is daunting, Mary is here to help.  After introducing you to the tools, she will lead you through the fundamentals of making spirals, loops, paddles, coils, and basic wraps for you to become proficient in successfully mastering wire work.  IN addition to leaving with lots of practical experience and sample pieces, students will leave with a small wire wrapped pendant. If you have an assortment of favorite beads you are encouraged to bring them to personalize your project.  This is primarily a PROCESS class. One session, 3 hours.  $45 plus supplies (approximately $7. Tuesday July 2, 6-9 p.m.


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