Jewelry Making Classes

Please Note: Prices for class kits/supplies are approximations only as the metals market fluctuates daily.

Project vs. Process Classes: Process classes are those that focus primarily on acquisition of a new skill or technique and which will generally NOT result in a specific completed work. A project class will focus on a completed or nearly completed project, during which a new technique or skill may be acquired. We offer an assortment of classes from beginning metalsmithing to advanced classes such as stone setting and metal forming. Our teaching staff consists of experienced teachers with extensive backgrounds in jewelry making and metal smithing techniques.

We are pleased to welcome Doug Bowman, Marie DeWerf Neville and Lori Hart to our teaching staff of Mary Kernahan


Keum boo is an ancient Korean technique for fusing fine gold onto a fine silver surface, and is great way to introduce gold into the work while limiting the...
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The actual origin of this modern looking chain is hotly debated,  but its unique beauty is not. The Celtic chain is not commonly seen in loop in loop chain...
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Learn how to use solder inlay to diversify your jewelry & metalsmithing projects. Solder inlay allows students to easily incorporate color contrast,...
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Frame settings are a great way to set cabochons, coins, wood, and other flat objects. While there are many aproaches to frame setting, this class will focus...
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The elegant braided look of this bracelet is not the result of braiding, but instead of an ingenious wire soldering technique. Using 14 gauge sterling...
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Delft clay casting is a refined form of sand casting. Sand casting has been used for centuries to produce three-dimensional forms, and its use continues to...
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This is the perfect class if you are new to the jewelry and metalsmithing world, or just want to enhance your fundamental skill set. Among the basic...
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Let the stone be the focus of your jewelry piece when you join Doug for this fresh take on setting a freeform beach or tumbled stone.  You will learn the...
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While there are other versions of the Chinese Knot chain, this variation combines forged oval links with half Byzantine chaimalle knots, resulting in an...
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Have you always wondered what the buzz about rolling mills is all about? Are you itching to get your hands on a rolling mill to see what it can do? Then...
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Tour the jewelry section of any ancient history museum and you will find an amazong array of intricate chains, all constructed of fused links. Using a torch...
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Do you need help with engineering your design?  Do you have a stack of unfinished projects that just sit because you are at a loss as to how to proceed?  Do...
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